The 16 listed sponsors of the Defeat the Mandates rally series have a remarkable amount of overlap in leadership as well as international representation
You believe $60 billion corrupting, liability-free Pharma serial criminals magically make safe vaccines?
Mandating ANY treatment is a violation of human rights. Mandating killer vaccines qualifies you for Nuremberg2. You should therefore thank everyone involved with Defeat the Mandates.
"In practical terms, mandatory vaccination amounts to discrimination against healthy, innate biological characteristics, which goes against the established ethical norms and is also defeasible a priori."
Universal Declaration on Bioethics and Human Rights
1. Any preventive, diagnostic and therapeutic medical intervention is only to be carried out with the prior, free and informed consent of the person concerned, based on adequate information. The consent should, where appropriate, be express and may be withdrawn by the person concerned at any time and for any reason without disadvantage or prejudice."
Vaccines and Biologics injury table based on mechanistic evidence – Feb 2020 Covering over 125 conditions
Overlap? This is rich. Look at tentacles Gates has... and the whores (apologies to whore, who don't engage in mass murder) he buys to parrot his message.
Sorry, I think you're ability to think logically was destroyed years ago.
How about looking up saints of killing disinformation: Klaus schwab and harari ... madmen, but with great power, from folks like you! The world thanks all 3vof you
"Last week, drug giant Pfizer told investors that it expects to make more than $50 billion off its COVID-19 medicines this year. Its vaccine is the most lucrative medicine in history, accruing $37 billion in 2021, and has sent its corporate revenues into the stratosphere. By the end of this year, the company hopes to bring in $100 billion — a sum that exceeds the GDP of most countries on Earth."
Please go back to school and learn some math. You seem to have difficulty telling the difference between a million and a billion. How did you qualify to become a doctor?
Pharma's pandemic marketing is specifically aimed at the liberal set, and they've done an astounding job. The fact that socialists stop their analysis with "gee that's a lot of money" while swallowing the smear campaigns against treatment and hype campaigns for the One True Jab stands as a testament to their power. While I recognize the deep evil at play I also respect the quality of their social engineering.
You missed one my connections…. I’m also a part of AFLD
Did you know that your comment is the only one that is actually related to the content of the post?
AFLD or AAPS doesn't matter - both named in that Covid Oversight report. Yikes, Mar!
Love you! Thank you for saving so many lives despite the pressure to conform. Stay strong.
You believe $60 billion corrupting, liability-free Pharma serial criminals magically make safe vaccines?
Mandating ANY treatment is a violation of human rights. Mandating killer vaccines qualifies you for Nuremberg2. You should therefore thank everyone involved with Defeat the Mandates.
Ethics of vaccine refusal
"In practical terms, mandatory vaccination amounts to discrimination against healthy, innate biological characteristics, which goes against the established ethical norms and is also defeasible a priori."
Universal Declaration on Bioethics and Human Rights
"Article 6 – Consent
1. Any preventive, diagnostic and therapeutic medical intervention is only to be carried out with the prior, free and informed consent of the person concerned, based on adequate information. The consent should, where appropriate, be express and may be withdrawn by the person concerned at any time and for any reason without disadvantage or prejudice."
Vaccines and Biologics injury table based on mechanistic evidence – Feb 2020 Covering over 125 conditions
Overlap? This is rich. Look at tentacles Gates has... and the whores (apologies to whore, who don't engage in mass murder) he buys to parrot his message.
I'm guessing by your answer that you agree with the post...
You can learn more about logic you are sorely lacking by studying high school geometry.
If only I could learn something about logic from your comments.
Sorry, I think you're ability to think logically was destroyed years ago.
How about looking up saints of killing disinformation: Klaus schwab and harari ... madmen, but with great power, from folks like you! The world thanks all 3vof you
You would.
You know how crazy people make charts of conspiracies...just like this one?
WHO is starting their play for unprecedented dictatorial world power...
Exquisitely just to see vax nazis caught up in this... brought to concentration camps , "health centers" for one reason or another...
Perfectly healthy, but then they will realize this was never about health....
Able to fully share in this hell on earth, like we have never seen before
And how does this relate to the post?
It's an overarching comment on how your goals might actually enslave you.
Sorry for hitting a nerve. Gonna ban me from as many places as possible and put me on government lists?
Do you want to be banned? If you do, then I'm sorry, but I can't help you with that.
My only question was about how your comment didn't have anything to do with the post.
Maybe I should ask - What are your goals?
"Pandemic profiteers"
"Last week, drug giant Pfizer told investors that it expects to make more than $50 billion off its COVID-19 medicines this year. Its vaccine is the most lucrative medicine in history, accruing $37 billion in 2021, and has sent its corporate revenues into the stratosphere. By the end of this year, the company hopes to bring in $100 billion — a sum that exceeds the GDP of most countries on Earth."
Please go back to school and learn some math. You seem to have difficulty telling the difference between a million and a billion. How did you qualify to become a doctor?
Pharma's pandemic marketing is specifically aimed at the liberal set, and they've done an astounding job. The fact that socialists stop their analysis with "gee that's a lot of money" while swallowing the smear campaigns against treatment and hype campaigns for the One True Jab stands as a testament to their power. While I recognize the deep evil at play I also respect the quality of their social engineering.
These southern countries are about to sign WHO treaty, with amendments