Jul 2Liked by Allison Neitzel

👍🏼Glad you called him out to

his practice affiliations. There are a plethora of these angry and inappropriate people out there.

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Jul 2Liked by Allison Neitzel

Wow. That is awful. Good for you for pushing back HARD.

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Jul 2Liked by Allison Neitzel

Appropriate smackdown

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Jul 3Liked by Allison Neitzel

FAFO, in action.

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Dr. Allison Neitzel,

First of all let me apologize for my inflammatory and impulsive and imprudent remarks. They were uncalled for.

I do believe that as time has passed and more information has come to light, not only has it become apparent to unbiased and informed readers and observers that those of us who have followed the totality of the evidence are not spreading misinformation but have actually been correct in our assessments (actually the assessments of independent, non-conflicted experts, as opposed to those who have conflicts of interest obvious or hidden).

To wit: 1) Early treatments of COVID-19 with cheap, effective and well tolerated proven safe medications was/is effective, 2) delaying treatment in high risk individuals led to increased bad outcomes, including death and disability, 3) the bio weapons countermeasures aka vaccines were neither safe (more VAERS reports than all other vaccines since initiation of the system; likely responsible for the increase in mortality in this country and other heavily COVID vaccinated countries as well as pregnancy complications (Dr. James Thorpe’s work), and increased rates of disability (Ed Dowd, Died Suddenly)) nor 4)effective (no decrease in infections or hospitalizations in the vaccinated—especially when correctly documenting the vaccination status, not by arbitrary categorization, and an argument can be made that they increase susceptibility to severe illness.

So , while I apologize for my remarks, and you are certainly free to title your newsletter however you want, I do find it unintentionally ironic that you title it ‘Misinformationkills’.

Especially as the information coming from Dr. Fauci and TPTB certainly seems to objective observers to have led to the unnecessary deaths of hundreds of thousands and climbing in this country and millions worldwide wide.

The fact that TPTB continue to urge continued vaccination with a certainly unsafe, and at least ineffective, if not negatively effective vaccine, while profiting from it seems like evil to me.

I should say, that I shouldn’t have ascribed those motives to you, and, again, I apologize.

While you do not profit from your posts, it seems to me that if you are going to take such a strong position on COVID & COVID vaccines as to blame us misinformation spreaders for people’s deaths, that you should do your readers the honor of looking at the other side’s data, and at least acknowledge that there is controversy, if not admit error and change your position (in other words, repent), and do so before you die, not wishing you an early death, to be clear.

I have gone through the same process, as I was an early COVID vaccine advocate, but came to change my mind with more and better information.

I have likewise changed my opinion on the wisdom, necessity, and risks and benefits of routine childhood vaccines and have shared that publicly on these stacks and in person and given references for my changed views. The most prominent risks but likely not the only risks being Autism and less well known being SIDS.

I share that at the risk of further impugning my credibility not to advocate that you do likewise, but to say that I am not advocating that you do something that I have not felt the need to do and do publicly and face to face.

I am under no illusions nor have any expectations that you will withdraw your complaints against me, and do not write with that in mind, just to apologize for my wrong.

Yours most sincerely,

Roger Kimber, MD

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Good points Dr Roger. This covid injectable is a sinister tech. You see the 17 yr old China badminton player die on the court this week? I know a few men personally who had no medical issues and died in bed. And the cancer and stillbirths! Oh my!

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Agree with all you say, only had energy for so much in that post.

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First impression was they had you bioweaponized too. Luckily you're just wrong. That means that the main remedy, a more thorough look at all the evidence, should still be working.

Misinformation also sells btw. So there may be more conflicts of interest than you think.

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Allison you if you really are a doctor I’m sure you are in the category of quackery. I have seen some delusional doctors in my life but you gave carved out a new niche for yourself. I can only imagine that you have been promised some job injecting little defenseless kittens or puppies with some experimental poison to time how quickly it kills them. I hope that your parents are proud, bragging about their doctor daughter. Obviously they are as clueless as you. Good luck in all your future failures as a practicing physician. I hope anyone who is even thinking of hiring you makes the connection to your social media posts. You have a screw loose my dear. Once again, do us all a favor and stop spewing your nonsense. All you are displaying is your ignorance and immaturity.

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